Friday, March 7, 2008

"She is a monster"

According to Reuters, Obama foreign policy adviser Samantha Powers is quitting the campaign today over a remark in which she referred to Clinton as a "monster":

"She is a monster, too -- that is off the record -- she is stooping to anything," Power was quoted by the newspaper as saying of Clinton.

"We f***** up in Ohio," she said. "In Ohio, they are obsessed and Hillary is going to town on it because she knows Ohio's the only place they can win."

Now, I understand that the Obama campaign wants to be careful to portray themselves as above the fray, but I think firing her is a bit silly. She clearly thought she was speaking off the record--and the reference to Hillary as a "monster" might even be a sort of backhanded compliment of Hillary as a formidable political foe.

In any case, do we really want qualified foreign policy advisers to be axed because of one silly remark they made? Hopefully this "firing" is mostly for show and Ms. Powers will be back in the fold once this all blows over.

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