Saturday, March 1, 2008

Clinton's New Ad

I like it:

It's an emotional appeal, sure, but a fair one. We are, after all, electing someone who needs to be able to function effectively in a security crisis (this is especially true for Democrats, who seem to be held to a higher standard when it comes to these sorts of things). If Hillary Clinton is perceived as stronger than Obama in this regard, then by all means she should be hitting on this point again and again.

Personally, though, I'm not convinced by the ad. Neither Clinton nor Obama have any executive crisis experience to speak of, and so I have to assume that how they will perform in a crisis will track with their general temperament and level of competence. Based on these personal attributes, my intuition is that they would both do just fine.


Unknown said...

Emotional appeals, especially those based on fear, really bother me, because they detract from the substantive issues worth considering. I would much rather she spend her time and money elucidating exactly what she believes her "experience" is based on.

David Morris said...

Hmm... fair enough.