Friday, July 17, 2009

Richard Florida: Horrible Namer

I'm reading Who's Your City? by Richard Florida, which is all about how the world is increasingly forming itself into gigantic "mega-regions", such as the Boston-New York-Philadelphia corridor, or the Tokyo-Osaka region--and how these are shaping the world economy.

It's pretty interesting so far, but something that leaps out at me are the horrible names that Florida attaches to the regions he identifies--hyphenated abominations like Bos-Wash, Char-Lanta, Tor-Buff-chester, and--worst of all--Chi-Pitts. In fact, here is a list, in ascending order of horribleness, of all the mega-regions in the US:

  1. NorCal and SoCal - actual, real names. Good.
  2. Denver-Boulder - Straightforward; good.
  3. Phoenix-Tucson - Good.
  4. Cascadia - Um..sounds like a housing development, but, whatever: this will do just fine to describe the Portland-Seattle-Vancouver mega-region.
  5. So-Flo - Eesh. Borderline.
  6. Dal-Austin - Bad.
  7. Bos-Wash - Sounds like you're in such a hurry you don't have time to say complete words.
  8. Hou-Orleans - Very bad. An awful name.
  9. Char-Lanta - Wretched.
  10. Tor-Buff-chester - This set of phonemes would never naturally arise within a population of humans. Horrible.
  11. Chi-Pitts - We are left to presume that Richard Florida has a thing against the good people of Chicago and Pittsburgh. This name is absolutely horrible. Message to Richard Florida: generally speaking, people don't want the name of their mega-region to conjure up images of someone spraying chai tea into their armpits.
Let's all agree as a society to never let Richard Florida within spitting distance of any sort of official naming committee.