Friday, July 17, 2009

I love Macs; but I hate Apple

Gah. The following is so typical:

I had some files that I wanted to cut and paste--i.e., move--from one directory to another. Only, for some reason Mac OS doesn't let you use cmd-X on a file--nor can you select "cut" in the right-click menu. Sensing that maybe I was missing something, I checked the internets to figure out how to do this.

Well, it turns out that you can't do it--the only way to execute a move (cut-and-paste) on a file is via drag-and-drop. A slightly annoying design flaw, sure, but at the end of the day, not a huge deal: I still like my Mac.

Of course, none of the god-awful Apple fanboys can admit that there is actually a design flaw in the Mac OS:
Feb 28, 2006, 02:50 PM
You cannot cut and paste a file. It simply does not work this way. If you want to move a file then move it. Cut and paste is not move. What happens if you forget to paste? Lost file.

Ugh. I hate this. Hate hate hate. In Windows, when you do ctrl-X on a file, it doesn't commit to the cut until you successfully paste the file. There is no possibility of a "lost file". And, really, when you think about it, drag-and-drop works the same way, only with a different UI: if the computer were to shut down while you were dragging a file, the file wouldn't be lost. Nobody in their right mind would implement any kind of file move (aka cut-and-paste) command that optimistically deletes the file before it is successfully copied to the target location. "Cut and paste is not move"??!?! YES IT IS! IT'S THE SAME GODDAMN THING, EXCEPT YOU PUSH BUTTONS INSTEAD OF MOVING A MOUSE!

(David's head explodes, then inexplicably morphs back together T-1000 style. He pauses for a moment, takes a breath, and continues.)

What we have here is a good old-fashioned case of Mac OS not having a common-sense feature for no good reason at all.

And, you know, like I said, that's okay: it happens. But I just can't stand how these people in these forums unthinkingly assume that there is some well-thought-out rationale for every little idiosyncratic behavior on the Mac OS. It makes me want to punch guys like robbieduncan in the face 100 times--forever.

Hear that, robbieduncan? I punch you in the face 100 times! Forever!

(Photo by Mitmensch0812)

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