Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Powerful tools

It turns out that C-SPAN has a pretty robust website. You can embed any video they have in their extensive (and very searchable) library, like so:

And if you go to their site and use their custom Flash player, you will see that they put the transcript text right along side the video. Moreover, since the transcript and video are synced to the same time line, you can actually search the text and then jump to the corresponding part of the video. It's pretty damn neat (but still Beta--I couldn't get it to work in Firefox but it's fine in IE).

(The video above is tonight's debate, in its entirety.)

EDIT: There is also this curious "time line" view--obviously in need of a real UI--that seems to let you view smaller segments of video. You can link to each segment, but there is no option to embed.

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