Sunday, October 19, 2008

How can we win when fools can be king? Don't waste your time or time will waste you

Seeing as how we're in the endgame of the election, it behooves everyone who is thinking about making a donation to just figure out once and for all how much more money they want to give and give it now, in toto. I know a lot of us have had a sort of ad hoc donating strategy, but time's up--it's now or never.

And, yes, I will use a fancy-pants Latin phrase whenever the opportunity arises. And, yes, I realize that this is the intellectual equivalent of being one of those guys who wears a hat--i.e., that it doesn't work, it impresses no one, and should be stopped--but I just don't want to face reality on the matter. I obstinately fold my arms and say "qua" thus.

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