Monday, April 28, 2008

Clinton the underdog

I know it's William Kristol, and so anything he has to say about Democratic politics probably shouldn't count, but this just seems so crazy to me:
The fact is Hillary Clinton has turned out to be an impressive candidate. She has consistently defeated Barack Obama when her back was to the wall — first in New Hampshire, then in several big primaries on Super Tuesday, on March 4 in Ohio and Texas, and then last week in Pennsylvania, where she was outspent by almost 3 to 1, yet won handily.
Whoa there. When this thing started, Hillary Clinton was the overwhelming favorite: she had name recognition, the vast Clinton Rolodex at her disposal, and she was perceived to be the "inevitable" nominee by the press and the party elite. Now she is the feisty, embattled underdog. That's quite a distance to fall--and hardly "impressive".

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