Item 1: You've probably already heard this, but Google maps now has bicycle directions that take into account hills, bike paths, avoiding busy streets, etc. It doesn't work too well yet, though--for example, to get to work, it suggested a zigzag path down Ceasar Chavez, up Harrison, cutting across 22nd to Potrero, then on up to the Division/Townsend roundabout. But that's nutty! Caesar Chavez is a horrible and dangerous street to bike on, and you end up going right through an unnecessary hill. Which brings me to my second item.
Item 2: It turns out there's plans in the works to totally redo Caesar Chavez into a bikable, walkable, green non-hellscape! Currently there's 8 lanes: one parking lane on each side, and six traffic lanes in the middle (3 in each direction). The renovation will keep the parking lanes but add bike lanes and a 14-foot median strip with trees, leaving 4 total lanes for traffic. Once done, it will make that street look about a thousand times nicer.
Of course, if I had my druthers, if they're going to make the street walkable I'd also like to see more commercial frontage, especially since it's still in walking distance from BART (though just barely). It'd be great to see it take on more of a 24th St. character. But all in due time, I guess.
(Photo by Ian Sane)
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