Saturday, March 27, 2010

Meanwhile, Google continues to be awesome

A while back, I sent some feedback to Google regarding their Google Maps bicycle directions. Apparently a "preferred route" that the algorithm selects in SF is Caesar Chavez, which is actually a terrible street to bike on. Here is their response:

Hi David,

Your Google Maps problem report has been reviewed, and you were right! We'll update the map soon and email you when you can see the change.

Report history
Problem ID: D0F8-9BDD-28BA-A469

Your report:
Cesar Chavez St. in San Francisco is marked as a preferred route (dotted line), but this is a fast, busy street that sucks to bike on. 26th St. a block up is a much better street for biking.

Thanks for your help,
The Google Maps team

Google: so good. All the time.

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