Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New duds

Figured it was time to move away from the Blogger default template. I don't know if I've moved to something better with this sort of "rational grayscale" look. I would have liked to have made only the blog title and post titles red, but alas, the template I used didn't give me that kind of flexibility.

Ah well. Let me know if you hate it.

EDIT: Ok well now I've turned it into an American Apparel t-shirt, but I guess that's okay for now.


Unknown said...

I always thought the templates on blogger were quite limiting. Might want to try looking outside blogger for some blogger skins. For example:

David Morris said...

Ok, I will take a look at those. In the meantime, I think I'll see if I can do some HTML tinkering to get this current layout looking a little less cramped and busy-with-red.

(Incidentally, I just realized today that, perversely, the grayscale+red looks a lot like the template we use here for our flash test media. So maybe I should switch to something that doesn't remind me work?)

Lindsay Katai said...

I prefer the other template, but perhaps you'll find something in guanaco's suggestion.

David Morris said...


Btw, guanaco is Carlos' nom de blog, in case that wasn't clear.