Monday, August 11, 2008

Executive experience

I get the feeling that this Steven Warshawsky is a bit of a troll, so I feel a little iffy about even commenting on his article, but it's worth it I think just to bring up this issue of executive experience. Warshawsky believes that Obama cannot win the election, and that one of the reasons is because he's too inexperienced:
If elected president, Obama would be the fifth youngest president in U.S. history. The only younger presidents would be Teddy Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Ulysses S. Grant, all of whom were much more accomplished than Obama. Grant, Roosevelt, and Kennedy were war heroes. (Not Clinton, notoriously.) Roosevelt and Clinton had served as state governors. Grant had been the general-in-chief of the Union Army during the Civil War. The least experienced of the four, Kennedy, had served twelve years in Congress, six in the House of Representatives and six in the Senate, and had been a serious candidate for vice-president in 1956.
Well. Just because the five youngest presidents had more experience than Obama does not mean that all presidents have had more experience than Obama. There was an obscure president in the mid-nineteenth century whose only experience was a stint in the state legislature and a single term in the House, but he did alright.

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