Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beatles observation

Here's a Beatles observation for you: anytime there is non-lyrical melodious filler, you can be sure it's Paul, and never John. Any whistling, or "doo do doo", or humming--always Paul. I don't think there's even one instance of John doing this (or George, but I'm not as sure about that).

  • Mother Nature's Son ("doo do doo do doo do...")
  • Your Mother Should Know ("da da da..")
  • Fool On the Hill (instrumental verse; "oh oh oh ohhhhhh round round round...")
  • Hey Jude ("na na na na na na naaaaaaaaaaaa...")
  • Rockey Raccoon ("da da dada da daaaa"; "do doo do do dooo do")
  • Honey Pie (instrumental segment/"I like this kinda, kinda muuuuuusic"; "oh ho ho ho ho hoo ho")
  • I Will (humming)
I'm sure there's lot of other examples.

Anyway, if someone knows of a John song (or John part of a song) with similar melodious filler, I'd like to hear it.


Philip Bertulfo said...

Does "Goo goo g'joob" count? I'm guessing not, since that whole song is about absurdist wordplay. Still though, I think it's the closest he gets.

David Morris said...

Yeah, I agree about the absurdist wordplay point.

Philip Bertulfo said...

"A Day In The Life!" RIGHT after the middle Paul part, there's this extended "Aaaaaaaaaaaaah-aaaaaaaah" part that I'm pretty damn sure is Lennon.

David Morris said...

Hey, I think you're right!