Monday, December 28, 2009

Civil unrest in Iran

In case you haven't already, it's definitely worth it to check out the Iran coverage over on Sullivan. Of course, all the videos, Tweets, etc. are very fragmentary and amount to unconfirmed reports, but you can still get a feel for the atmosphere over there. There's so much energy in those crowds, and confidence.

Now I'm just really curious as to what's going to happen. I don't know much about Iranian politics or anything. I don't know what the likely scenarios are as far as an end game for all this. But one thing that seems certain is that the protests won't just fade away. Something's gotta give. I guess at some point the generals will pick a winner...

Anyway, watch this haunting video. What you're hearing is the sound of thousands of people shouting slogans from their windows and rooftops:

How the hell does the Iranian government get out of this? They're in so deep..

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