UPDATE: It turns out Mike is a Republican? Says Wikipedia:
Mike Nelson rarely discloses his personal beliefs in public.[8] During a 2004 interview with the fansite MST3K Review, Nelson described himself as a Protestant and a conservative: "I read the National Review cover to cover. Check in at Townhall.com every day. Check the Washington Times daily. Listen to Dennis Prager and Michael Medved on a regular basis. Read Mark Steyn with regularity. Read the Weekly Standard. So, yes, I do vote Republican."[9] He went on to refer to the Minneapolis Star Tribune as "the Star and Sickle, or the Red Star Tribune."[9] Nelson also stated that he believed that the devil "was behind American Beauty. And Pulp Fiction was one of his better works, too."[9]
That sounds kind of ugh-y, but actually going to the source cited revealed this much more modest statement:
I’d call my politics center/right, and since politics intersects one’s whole philosophy of life, it’s hard to pin down a when. Whatever the case, I try very hard to keep politics out of my work and not to be too public with my thoughts because it’s just not my area of expertise. I write funny stuff. [I’m] not so good with politics. Maybe someday I’ll write on it, but as of now, the world is safe.
Sounds to me like a guy who understands that he and his fan base are not ideologically aligned.
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