Wednesday, September 3, 2008

To be anti-abortion is to be anti-abortion without exception

Sarah Palin opposes abortion without exception--even in cases of rape, incest, or when the mother's life is endangered.

Moderates point to this as evidence that she is on the fringe, but really I have always thought--and I know many of my friends agree--that if you are pro-life, then it would be incredibly odd not to oppose abortion in those instances. After all, you are presumably pro-life because you believe that fetuses are human beings and eliminating them is equivalent to murder. Within this set of beliefs, I don't see why a fetus being caused by rape or incest would make that fetus any less human or its elimination any less of a murder. Even in cases where bringing the fetus to term would endanger the life of the mother, I think it would be difficult to make an argument that would justify killing one human being in order to save another.

And so I think Palin's stance on abortion is perfectly normal and consistent (albeit one I happen to disagree with).

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