Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Destroying America in order to save it

It's a cheap exercise to single out videos of people you disagree with making fools of themselves, but I can't resist this time:

Remarkable. Beck, at the end, even explicitly ponders aloud that Bin Laden would certainly refrain from any kind of attack, lest ass-kicking Beck-followers seize power in Washington kicking ass--apparently not realizing that Bin Laden not attacking us is, you know, a good thing.

But let's be charitable: what do these guys really think? I think it's something like this: in their view, the country is going to hell in a handbasket, and is on pace to either destroy itself or be destroyed/overwhelmed by outside forces. And so a timely Bin Laden attack would be a nation-saving wake-up call, the harm done to the victims of the attack notwithstanding. That is what they think.

Which is, you know, really crazy and myopic.

Video via Sullivan.

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