Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I started. So far it's actually making me a little nervous, because I'm unsure how often I'm supposed to--er, tweet--and I don't want to spam people with boring messages. But I suppose I'll get the hang of it soon enough.

By the way, I don't know who he is, but I hate this fucking guy. Every other message from him is really, really funny.

PS: Lisa, if you're reading this, can you hook me up with a AAA battery? Thx

1 comment:

Alex said...

I am clearly too social media'd. I read your tweets, responded to them, then read this. Ooh, or maybe that means I actually have hours between checks, that's pretty good. As for that guy, this post reminded me of you in fact: "Minneapolis is the obligatory snow level in the video game of our lives." Reminds me of a David-ism: "In videogames, as in life, trees don't give, even a LITTLE." That doesn't come off so well in print.