Friday, April 4, 2008

No more *gate, please

I was perusing an article by Charles Krauthammer about how the press is going easy on Obama, and ran into an offhand reference to "snipergate"--i.e., the recent mini-scandal of Hillary exaggerating her story about ducking sniper fire at an airport in Bosnia.

Since Watergate--and especially with the Clintons throughout the 90s--we have been subjected to the newly-invented suffix -gate, used at first to denote an impeachment-worthy scandal but now used as tongue-in-cheek shorthand for any scandal whatsoever.

This has to stop. It's just not very clever, or pithy, or anything--it's just obnoxious, unoriginal, and hackish.

PS: Charles Krauthammer looks like a Koopa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only one who thought he looked like a koopa, holy shiz