Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Op-Ed Justice League Round-up

That editorial Justice League of America, the NY Times op-ed writers, weighs in:

  • Frank Rich has a cleverly written piece comparing Hillary's campaign blunders with Bush's mishandling of the Iraq war. I don't think the Iraqi insurgents have been anywhere near as successful as Obama, but still, worth checking out if you like Frank Rich.
  • David Brooks is in full cheer-leading mode for McCain after last week's kiss-and-tell about rifts in McCain's inner circle. I think I basically agree with the thrust of the thing, that the media is being unfairly harsh on McCain for particular instances of backscratching with lobbyists, when on balance he has been an ardent foe of lobbyist's influence in Washington and pork-barrel spending in general. Still, my personal theory is that last week's article landed Brooks in McCain's doghouse (coming, as it did, right in the midst of the fallout from that controversial NYT piece), and that we'll be seeing some more outright cheerleading for a while yet.
  • Maureen Dowd phones in another couple of paragraphs of snark contra Hillary.
  • Bob Herbert contemplates The Fall Of A Great American in the tragically-flawed Ralph Nader, the progressive-champion-turned-reviled-laughingstock who has declared he is once again running for President.
  • New-comer Bill Kristol goes through the motions of an Obama-thinks-he's-the-Messiah column. I wish the Times had gotten someone more inspired for this slot--I would have loved to have seen someone like Christopher Hitchens, or even a thoughtful "values" conservative (they must exist--but where are they?).

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